The well cap is the cover on top of the well casing that sticks out of the ground. It serves many purposes. Most caps, which are usually aluminum, include a vented screen so that the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the well casing may be equalized when water is pumped from the well. However, the cap’s main function is to keep contaminants out of the water supply.
Well Caps

Well Caps
- Easy to install and easy maintenance access
- Vermin proof with large screened air vents
- Greater clearance for submersible pump cable
- Stainless steel hardware
- O-ring system for reliable watertight seal between casing and retainer ring
- A second O-ring is used to seal the cover and retainer ring providing a positive compression seal when tightening 4 bolts
- Grounding terminal with bolt provided
- A well log is provided inside each cap to record installation data and specifications
Canpipe stocks well caps starting with 2 ⅜” to 8 ¾” O.D in both aluminum and cast iron.
Canpipe also carries more economical aluminum locking well caps which are ideal for monitoring wells.
- Three allen set screws to secure ring to casting
- Observation Monitoring ”Do Not Fill” triangle on cover
- Permanent well log pad on inside of cover for well depth, amount of casing, GPM, and date.
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