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Phone: 416-244-6476



    Our J-Plugs are a locking type plug and come in an assortment of sizes from 1/2″ diameter to 8” diameter.


    • High tech liquid tight seamless gasket
    • Easy to disassemble in field for deconstruction
    • Strong instrument tethering tool
    • Manufactured from an engineering grade polymer blend commonly used to replace steel gears in industry
    • Resistant to most chemicals
    • Unaffected by freezing or hot temperatures
    • Easy on, easy off wing nut with a smooth acting ergonomic grip

    Canpipe also carries a line of vapor extraction plugs along with the universal connection plug which can be used on all diameters.

    Have a question? Give us a call.

    Our lines are open and operated by in-house customer support from Monday to Friday at all locations.

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