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Phone: 416-244-6476




    AQUA-CLEAR® AE liquid blend of acids and acid enhancers is formulated to control bacterial slime contamination due to the presence of iron- related and sulphate-reducing bacteria.

    Available in 5 gallon container.


    Remove the bio-mass matrix caused by bacterial fouling. Reduce sulphur taste and odor in water. Clean up well screens, pumps and distribution system. Restore well productivity and reduce power and maintenance costs.


    NSF/ANSI Standard 60 certified. Safe to use on all plastics, rubber and metals. Cost effective, efficient extended life treatment. Improves water quality and renews well production rate. Mitigates corrosion and equipment failure.

    Recommended Treatment

    • Record initial well water pH.
    • The preferred application method is to apply a solution of AQUA-CLEAR® AE into the screened interval through a tremie pipe.
    • Mix AQUA-CLEAR® AE with water at 6 – 12 oz/gal of water or 47 – 94 ml/L of water and apply directly into screened interval with a tremie pipe. When utilizing this method, calculate the volume of water in the screened area and double the calculated volume to account for the water in the gravel pack and formation interface.

    CAUTION: Never mix chlorine and AQUA-CLEAR® AE liquid blend in well.

    The above are generalized concentrations of AQUA-CLEAR® AE acid enhancer to be added to water-based drilling fluids. The ultimate usage concentration will be based on local geology, application and mixing efficiency. In the event that further information is needed, please refer to the Product Data Sheet or contact your local Baroid IDP representative.

    Have a question? Give us a call.

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